The Greater Lansing CROP Hunger Walk included a hands-on activity of assembling CWS School Kits to the Walk Day activities. After going through registration, Walk participants were guided to a line of tables with boxes of school kit items. Each participant took a school bag and walked down the line adding school items to the bags as directed. A total of 246 school kits were assembled on Walk Day and delivered to the CWS Depot at Lansing Central United Methodist Church. Kit items were made available through donations from participating congregations, funds from the Greater Lansing Friends of CROP donors, and a $184 grant from a local Target store. Kit bags were made by the Wacky Wednesday sewing group of Bath MI, and the Sew Much More sewing group and the VBS kids both of Okemos Community Church.
Congregations were also encouraged to bring kits items to the Walk. With those donations, remaining kit items from the Walk and additional Friends of CROP funding about another 75 kits are being done as kit bags become available. This is the second year for assembling kits at the Greater Lansing CROP Hunger Walk. Last year, CWS Hygiene Kits were produced by Walk participants. Walkers appear to enjoy this added activity and organizers are hopeful that this activity encourages more Walker to return in the coming year. Putting together CWS Kits also highlights other needs met by CWS through their mission of building a better world where there is enough for all.