When you donate to CWS Kits, you’re blessing someone with your loving kindness. Now you can also share your love, kindness and special prayers with people around the world. Add your prayer or blessing to our virtual blessing wall.
Shared by Anonymous on June 24, 2023
I have contributed towards the hygiene kits which are associated with this program. I truly want to help those in need and to those who don’t have the basic necessities. As much as I strive to do better things I pray for myself, and for my improvement. But I ultimately pray for those in the 10/40 window. Non believers and people in 3rd world countries need to hear Jesus’ name, and that would be a miraculous blessing. I encourage others to follow the footsteps of mission trips and to take a step further throughout their walk in Christ.
Shared by Anonymous on June 24, 2023
May these kits be a blessing to those in need. And this may also serve the lord as well. We hope that this will be in good use to those who don’t have the privilege of having these essentials items with them. God Bless.
Shared by Braxton on June 24, 2023
We, the Weekday Release Time (Bluffton, OH school's Christian Ministry) and Emmanuel UCC Women's Outreach share these kits as a blessing to those in need. God has given us so many blessings. We send our prayers and the kits, extending God's love for us to others.
Shared by Women's Outreach and Weekday Release Time on July 5, 2023
We send these school kits to students who need the supplies to participate fully in their studies and classrooms. We pray that they bring joy and blessings for learning and playing.
Bethesda New Haven Sunday School
Shared by Linda on October 9, 2023
We send our blessings to the sisterhood who will receive these packs.
Shared by Jubilee Circle on October 17, 2023
May you feel the love of God and of your brothers and sisters in Christ as you receive these hygiene kits and cleanup buckets. They were assembled with prayer and sent with love.
Shared by Rev. Rebecca on October 31, 2024